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Home Overview


God’s Grace is a board game about the Old and New Testament of the Bible. This
Game will test your knowledge on how well you know the Bible. This will also be
a fun and entertaining way to gain more knowledge about the Bible with friends
and Families


  • Board game
  • 1 Die (Whichever team throws the highest number will start).
  • 4 Plastic pieces printed with an animal (Each team will choose a piece to
    move on the game board and place the piece on Start to begin the game.
    Move the piece according to how many words you got right on the card).
  • Timer of 35 seconds (The describer MAY NOT look at the names that must be
    described BEFORE the timer is turned over. The opponent player that turns
    the timer over must say ‘GO’ as the timer is turned. The describer may turn
    the card and start describing once ‘GO’ is called out. REMEMBER to check the
    timer and shout TIME when the time runs out).
  • 100 Bonus cards (On the Board game you will see 3 bonus circles, when you
    land on the bonus circle your opponent will choose one player from your
    team to answer the question, if she or he gets the answer right they get to
    move to the next circle).
  • 200 Playing Cards (Describer may only describe the 3 words on the card using
    Bible explanations example: the word on the card is Jealousy, you cannot say
    why did Tim get nasty with his brother for having everything. THIS IS NOT
    ALOUD!! The Describer can only describe the word using explanations from
    the bible. Saying why did Joseph’s brothers throw Joseph into a pit and sold
    him in to slavery and when your team mate answers Jealousy it’s a point).


  • Players will divide into teams. Each team selects a Piece and places it on the
    START Circle. All the teams roll the die. The team that rolls the highest
    number will start the game. Four to as many players can play this game.
  • All players must take their turn at being both describers and identifiers. The
    describer within a team must rotate with each turn.
  • You will take out a card from the box and the card will have 3 words on it and
    at the back of the card a verse and where the verse stands in the bible. Make
    sure your team member cannot read anything on the card. You will place
    the card back in the box.
  • You cannot say the word or spell the word out you need to explain the word
    and your team members in your group must answer what it is (Example if
    the word on the card is Moses, you can’t say Moses, you need to explain to
    your team member who opened the red sea and if they answer Moses its
    one point for them).
  • If the person in your Group gets the answer right, they will move according
    to how many they answered right on the card, you will be timed by a timer
    and you only have 35 seconds to explain.
  • If you get all 3 right on the card and there is time left you can turn the card
    around and there will be a scripture on the back of the card, you will read
    the scripture and your partner in the group must guess the verse and
    numbers right where it exactly stands in the bible, thus giving you a bonus
  • If you get the scripture verse correct and where it exactly stands in the bible
    you get a bonus point so instead of moving once for getting the scripture
    right where it exactly stands in the bible, you will move twice. You can only
    turn to the scripture side at the back of the card if you get all 3 words right
    on the front side of the card and you must do this before your time runs out
    (35 seconds).
  • You can only explain and use examples from the bible; example if on the card
    it says Egypt, you can’t say where the pyramids are. The bible doesn’t
    mention anything about the pyramids you have to use a bible explanation
    like which land did Moses lead his people out of. Another example if you see
    Jealousy on the card, you can’t say why was Tim nasty to his brother for
    getting everything. You need to explain in bible terms; why did josephs
    brothers throw him in the Pitt and answer is Jealousy
  • When you land on the bonus question on the board, your opponent needs
    to decide who he wants to ask that’s on your team and only that person can
    answer, if he or she gets it right they move one point if they don’t, they
    remain on the bonus circles of the board game and continues as normal
    with the game. There are 3 bonus circles on the game board if you land on
    it every opponent will decide who to ask.
  • You may describe the words on the card in no particular order. But you can
    only read the verse after all 3 words have been guessed right. Then you may
    turn over the card to read the verse and your team members can guess
    where the verse stands and receive a bonus point so if you guessed the verse
    right you will move two spaces.


  • Say the actual names on the card in their hand.
  • Cannot look at the names that must be described before the mer is turned
    over; only once the mer is tuned over by your opponents and he or she says
    go you may look at the words on the card.
  • Say any names or words derived from or related to the names they’re
  • Use any ‘sounds-like’ or ‘rhymes-with’ or refer to the leers of the alphabet;
  • Use translaons;
  • Point to anything.
  • You may not read the verse first, the 3 words on the card must be described
    first in no parcular order and if all 3 has been guessed right and there is me
    le you may turn over to the verse for your team mate to guess where it is
    written in the bible. The describer will read the verse and your team
    members must guess where it stands in the bible.
  • Anyone caught cheating or not obeying the rules of the game take two
    spaces back.


To be the first team to reach the FINISH Circle. The first team to reach the FINISH
Circle is the winner.

Most importantly HAVE FUN!!!


Everyone must agree first if you are allowed to use the Clue list. When you pick up a God’s Grace card your time will start and if you don’t know how to explain the three words on the card you can ask for the clue list to make it more easier for you, but hurry up your time is running out

Get in Touch

Please get in touch with us if you have suggestions, corrections or if would like more information about our Board Game.

Call (+27) 67 076 9867